Integrate Client Engager with your favourite apps for a seamless workflow. Discover how to connect with other tools, set up each client for success, and manage data in bulk.
Quickbooks / Xero - Link Client Engager with the bookkeeping platform you use within your own practice in order to sync client and contact details, as well as pull invoice information into Client Engager.
Xama AML - We link with a best-in-class AML software to allow you to perform digital AML checks and AML onboarding within just a few clicks.
Crezco - Generate payment request links and monitor the status of them all within Client Engager.
Armalytix - Thanks to this integration, questing bank statements for a specific period in PDF format has never been easier.
Gmail / Office 365 - Link your choice of email provider in order to completely synchronise all inbound and outbound email. You can even link email directly to client profiles and tasks. This allows all staff in your practice to see useful information in the right places. For more information on how to do this, find the 'Syncing your email with Engager' section here
Now it's time to setup each client. You can do this one by one, by navigating to a client profile and then going through each individual step. Alternatively, you can use our 'Bulk Action' functionality which would speed the process up significantly.
Bulk edit client information and services: Bulk Editing Clients
That's it, now you have all of the resources we think you'll need to get setup and started with Client Engager. We have two more emails to share with you which will contains useful tips, tricks and features we highly recommend you use.
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